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Shop Towel Laundry Service

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Shop Towel Laundry Service

Having a towel rental program can be integral to the success of your company and customers' satisfaction. There are many service oriented businesses that regularly depend on towel delivery, cleaning and distribution to ensure sanitation and convenience. A towel rental program can save businesses money over doing the laundry for themselves because it eliminates the need to purchase detergents or upkeep on equipment. They also save countless hours for staff. Many of our shop towel laundry service providers are better for the environment because they reduce water waste, energy waste, detergents used and sewage. The more reputable towel rental businesses use a sediment and oil separator to enhance sewage conditions and only use environmentally stable cleaning products.

At Towel Service we understand how important it is to bridge the gap between businesses that use towels and those that provide first-rate towel programs. We operate with a host of prime shop towel laundry service companies all throughout the U.S. and Canada. We are committed to locating the highest standards offered in the industry and that is why our agency prescreens the companies we recommend. At Towel Service, we expect high quality products with environmentally friendly practices and top-notch delivery service. We offer free quotes and will provide you with a quote from a quality towel rental agency in your location. In addition, we verify the following standards.

•Business licenses
•Insurance coverage
•Better Business Bureau findings
•Bankruptcy reports
•Legal inquiries for liens or judgements
•State business court documentation
•Been established for 3 years

Our team is the leading go-between agency to assist you in locating the most exemplary service based on your company's individual needs and budget. If you are looking for a reputable counsel service that prides itself on integrity and work ethic, our agency is more than dedicated to finding you the most superior shop towel laundry services in your area. With our experience in the industry, we know what our customers prefer most and which service companies provide it best.

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